
Final Stage of the 2023 edition of the Prize

Meet the 10 participants selected for the Final Stage of the I Francisco Mário International Prize for Popular Guitar The ceremony will be held with a live performance of each finalist on March 14, 2023, at Espacio Tucumán, Buenos Aires, Argentina. First place will get $7,000 in prize + trophy; second place will get $800 + trophy; and all the other participants will get $200 as a prize each.

About the Prize

Francisco Mário was one of the pioneers of independent recording in Brazil, alongside Antonio Adolfo, and possibly the first to use crowdfunding in the country, in 1980, to produce his second album “Revolta dos Palhaços”. A respected guitarist from Minas Gerais, he left almost 90 compositions, 8 records and 3 books in his short life. Brother of cartoonist Henfil and sociologist Betinho, Chico Mário, as he was affectionately called, died on March 14, 1988, at the age of 39. To publicize his important guitar work, foster Brazilian culture, encourage independent creation, and value the most popular instrument in Brazil, the acoustic guitar, the Francisco Mário Popular Guitar Prize will award up to 10 musicians with cash prizes and trophies designed by artist Mauricio Manzo, through the Chico Mário Cultural Institute in partnership with the Guimarães Rosa Institute and the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

List of Finalists

In alphabetical order, we list the 10 applicants selected for the Final Stage of the Prize, with their respective country of origin and the title of the interpreted song:


Alexis Camillieri (Argentina) – Ressurreição
Anderson Chizzolini Novo (Presidente Prudente, Brazil) – Guerra de Canudos
André Pinto Siqueira (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) – Cuba
Arthur Endo (São Paulo, Brazil) – Domingo
Carlos Sánchez Gil (Uruguay) – A morte é a curva da estrada
Gustavo Rubén Luchetti (Argentina) – Paraíso Perdido
Igor Hertz Lazier (Curitiba, Brazil) – Choro em Bach
Leandro Cacioni (Argentina) – Ginga
Lucas Cuba Bittencourt Gralato (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) – Domingo
Pedro Silveira Franco (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) – Terceira Guerra





Dates and Stages

1. registration

From January 20 to February 20, you can register here on the site and submit your interpretation to the Award’s pre-selection jury.

2. Pre-Selection

The jury will evaluate the published and submitted works and will confirm the finalists via email and in a post here on the website

3. Official Ceremony

Those who qualify for the final stage will make a presentation at the Official Ceremony in Buenos Aires on March 14, 2023.

4. Award

Cash awards will be given to the 10 people selected, and trophies for 1st and 2nd place in the competition.